The dissemination activity was held after the fourth consortium meeting in Spain
On february 16th, 2023, the third consortium meeting of the CloudClass project took place in the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), in Spain. After welcoming all the participants, Francisco Ibanez, project coordinator in behalf of Brainstorm Multimedia,
The project coordinator detailed the most significant issues in relation to project management, to give way to each of the partners, who reported the activities carried out in the past 6 months since the last meeting. After lunch, a short visit to the audiovisual recording studio of the University gave way to the second part of the plenary meeting, dedicated to reviewing the necessary tasks for the preparation of the following deliverables. The final part of the meeting was devoted to the next steps of the project. present period.

The day after the meeting, the Cloudclass Symposium: Virtual communication for teaching innovation, was held, in which professors and students of the University had the opportunity to attend different presentations about virtual reality in education.
In the first place, Roi Méndez and Rocío Sosa showed those present the use they give to Edison technology, starting their presentation from the recording studio located in another location within the same building, entering the symposium live through the screen and in real time. Also, Rocío explained the research carried out within the framework of her doctoral thesis.
Following, Francisco Ibáñez, from Brainstorm Multimedia, presented in greater detail the Edison technology, a pioneer in the world of television for the creation of virtual recording studios, and recently adopted for the creation of educational content. Elena Llorca, a company’s collaborator at the University of Alicante, completed the presentation explaining the activities that are currently being developed to spread the adoption of virtual reality technology at said institution, where the creation of an Edison Lab is planned.
The next presenter, Jim PlayFoot, from WhiteLoop, detailed the approach that this British consulting company makes to the reality of online training, in order to improve the learning and teaching experience, especially in the most disadvantaged communities or with greater difficulties in accessing information and innovative tools. Kateryna Holubynka, for her part, listed the steps taken at the Open University of The Netherlands (OU), for the validation of the tool and the establishment of a training program for teachers of this virtual university. Antía Mosquera, student at the USC, was the next to present and she contributed with the students’ point of view in regard of the use of Edison.
Finally, the presentation of the book CloudClass, virtual communication for teaching innovation, at the hands of Professor Enrique Castelló, host of the meeting, closed the symposium. This book, which has had the participation of project partners and other USC professors, has been prepared within the framework of the project and published as a monograph by Comunicación Social editores.